目前分類:Delphi XE8 (11)

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2017-04-25 電子發票 QRCode 的辨識 (3105) (0)
2015-05-26 Delphi XE8 GCM 接收/發送一次搞定,免 java (XE7 適用) (2450) (16)
2015-05-22 Delphi XE8 @ TMapView (1326) (1)
2015-05-21 A required meta-data tag in your app's AndroidManifest.xml does not exist. (519) (0)
2015-05-19 轉換 Delphi XE7 Upd1 專案到 Delphi XE8 @ iOS (821) (0)
2015-05-18 轉換 Delphi XE7 Upd1 專案到 Delphi XE8 @ android (383) (0)
2015-05-13 Delphi XE8 with iOS 8.x(8.3) (591) (0)
2015-05-09 Delphi XE8 with android 5.x(5.1.1) (937) (0)
2015-04-30 Delphi XE8 行..不行? (941) (0)
2015-04-09 Delphi XE8 about apk size? (683) (4)
2015-04-01 Delphi XE8 coming soon (1518) (0)